Anne Lincoln, Sociology, Dedman College, provided expertise for a story on declining male enrollment in veterinary colleges that appeared in The Toronto Star Nov. 29, 2010.
Mike Davis (left), Finance, Cox School of Business, talked about the marketing challenges faced by older shopping malls in their quest to retain young shoppers for a segment that aired on KXAS Channel 5 News Nov. 26, 2010. Watch the KXAS News video in a new window.
Jeffrey Kahn, Dedman School of Law, provided expertise for an editorial about Russia’s “dictatorship of law” and its treatment of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former owner of the country’s largest oil company. The piece appeared in The New York Times Nov. 20, 2010.
Bud Weinstein, Maguire Energy Institute, Cox School of Business, wrote about addressing the United States’ deficit problem in an op-ed that appeared in AOL News Nov. 12, 2010.
Cal Jillson, Political Science, Dedman College, talked about the political gamesmanship surrounding the START treaty with The San Francisco Examiner Nov. 18, 2010.
Dan Howard, Marketing, Cox School of Business, discussed Pizza Hut’s marketing strategy in its use of employees in its advertising for a story that appeared in The Dallas Morning News Nov. 17, 2010.
Al Niemi, Dean, Cox School of Business, provided expertise for a column by Cheryl Hall on how the Federal Reserve’s second round of “quantitative easing” is meant to help the American public. The piece appeared in The Dallas Morning News Nov. 10, 2010.